Barnett Architecture LLC

Meeting House
Downers Grove, IL
This Quaker Meeting House sits on the same site as their previous building, an older home, which did not work programmatically and needed much repair work. However, it had to remain in place during the new construction.
The new building is tucked into the high point of the site, affording views of the landscaped grounds and an outdoor “Meeting” marking the original meeting room. The building is organized as two wings: The meeting room wing and the entry, commons and education wing. The wings are treated with complementary massing and architectural details. The meeting room is removed from the entry to create a sense of sanctuary. It also adds a sense of isolation to the quiet worship experience and prevents distraction from street activity.
The design features abundant natural light in the meeting and fellowship spaces. Its flexible plan allows the circulation spine to be used for multiple functions.
Barnett Architecture served as the design architect.